Female orgasmic disorder
Signs and symptoms
The medical history should address the following:
Chronic and acute medical conditions, including psychiatric conditions
Current and, when relevant, past medications, over-the-counter drugs, and supplements
Any patterns of substance abuse
Sexual complaints
Many patients are reluctant to volunteer for sexual complaints. A good general strategy for gathering a sexual history might include the following steps:
First, explain the rationale for inquiring about sexual topics, while sympathizing with the patient reluctance to discuss intimate topics
Next, ask open-ended, general questions about the overall level of sexual interest and satisfaction
Gradually introduce the topic of sexual issues
As rapport improves, ask more specific, closed-ended questions that address the details of sexual activity Physical examination includes the following:
General examination
Cardiac, pelvic, and neurologic examinations to eliminate any coexisting medical conditions that might be contributing to the orgasmic dysfunction
Mental status examination (usually normal in primary FOD; mild, anxious, or depressed mood or effect should be investigated)
By definition, the diagnosis of FOD requires that the following criteria be met:
Another disorder does not account for the orgasmic dysfunction better than FOD does
The dysfunction is not exclusively due to a direct physiologic effect of a substance (eg, a drug of abuse or medication) or a general medical condition
Laboratory workup should include the following:
Complete blood count (CBC)
Chemistry panel
Hormone panel
Vitamin B-12 and folate levels
An informative hormone panel should include the following:
Thyroid test (thyroid-stimulating hormone [TSH] and free T4)
Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH
Testosterone (total and free) only in monitoring testosterone therapy